Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Live Vote on MSNBC

If you haven't already heard the news from my friend Mike, I have conceded and am now officially his Blogger Bitch.

Because once again, he has posted something that I must pass on...

Here are the results so far...

As it says, this is "Not a scientific survey," but doesn't that 88% in favor in impeachment make you feel good? And doesn't it also make you mad as Hell? I want to scream at the Democrats, "Impeach the motherfucker! What are you waiting for?!?"

Hell, my mother has a bumper sticker on her car that she recites to me nearly every day...

"Clinton ruined a dress. Bush ruined a nation."

So, go to the MSNBC site now and cast your vote.

And in the words of an infamous Chicagoan, Mr. Al Capone...

"Vote early and vote often."

1 comment:

whimsical brainpan said...

Somebody give Bush a blow job already so we can impeach him!