Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"I'm Wearing Them, And I Just Did"

The iPad? Seriously. The iPad?!?

Sounds like Apple's solution for those heavy flow days when the iPhone just isn't enough.

Or Steve Jobs adding apps to "Oops, I Crapped My Pants."

Being a PC suddenly sounds much cooler, doesn't it?


AJohnP said...

Love it!
"Imagine this pitcher of ice tea is a gallon of your feces..."

Anonymous said...

nope. lol. they have to come up with stupid ideas every once in a while.

Chatter said...

Sorry but being a PC NEVER sounds cool.

Prospero said...

Have you seen this?:

Anonymous said...

It's really cool, but nothing I need at all. Eventually, but it can wait.

Anonymous said...

I want some iPons.

cb said...

PC... Cool.... hrrm.


Anonymous said...

Really? Riddle me this, Stephen: why does everyone try so hard to seem jaded and unimpressed? Faux sophistication?

Apple has sold some 250 million iPods long after they were dismissed as a fad that wouldn't be around by the following Christmas.

Bryant said...

Jaded? Unimpressed? Faux sophistication? Nice words from someone who hides behind an anonymous identity. Stephen's blog, Stephen's opinion!