Thursday, February 26, 2009

"Relax, Sweetheart. I'm Not Gonna Bite You... Yet."

Years ago, my friend Patrick had a boyfriend who would open up his puppy dog eyes, pout his lips and say to Patrick, no matter where they were...

"Buy me a present."

He didn't really mean it. It was just a running joke. Funniest when he said it in 7-Eleven...

"Buy me a present."

My buddy Scot just emailed me to tell me that a man who bought a copy of Action Comics #1 in 1950 for fifty cents has just put this rare comic up for bid.

Action Comics #1 is the first appearance of Superman. It was originally sold in 1938 for 10 cents. Copies of Action Comics #1 in "fine" condition are worth around $126,000. This one could sell for several times that.

So, y'all...
"Buy me a present."


Polt said...

Yeah, can you IMAGINE having one of these???? My God, I nearly have a geek-gasm just thinking about it.


yellowdoggranny said...

well....I like you...I really really like you..but uh uh!..But..because I do like you I have a quality paper book called:Safe Sex by Harvey Fierstein I'll mail to you...I had it ear marked to give to my friend Lane when I croaked but she said she'd rather have the books on Woody Allan that I have instead..haha

Pearl said...

The check's in the mail, Stephen! I mean it this time.

Anonymous said...

is the safe sex book just pictures of Harvey? Cause you know, THAT alone would kill ANY kinky mood...

Project Christopher said...

Honey... I couldn't get the $500 for Joan Crawford's autobiography... you think I'm getting over $100K for a comic???

Tell you what, if/when I win the MegaMillions tonight, I'll get it for you

Rick Rockhill said...

I saw we start an oline giving campaign "Buy Stephen Rader a Present", with a thermometer and all. the only caveat is if you do get it, you have to read it to us as a vlog, in the buff, of course