Monday, February 23, 2009

"I'll Rent THE READER"

I just got back from a wonderful Oscar party hosted by Jeremy from You're Being Ridiculous.

Jeremy's home was filled with great food, good friends and a lot of laughter, and the Academy Awards ceremony was smart, funny and well-executed. But even after two musical medleys...

...Please note that when you DON'T hire Debbie Allen to choreograph your medleys, the medleys are actually GOOD!...

...and all the brilliant, moving speeches, my favorite part of this evening came just a few minutes ago. As I was walking home, a young woman passed me talking to her friend and I heard her say...

"Dating is almost as bad as shopping for jeans."

Never have truer words been said in the history of language as we know it. 

That's it, girl. On the nosey.


Lance Noe said...

can you find here? i wanna marry her!

My adventures said...

oh my god! i had no idea it was that bad and to find out just when i was considering the possibility. that sucks!

Java said...

Isn't it easier buying jeans for guys than it is for girls? Or is that my misconception. Or am I thinking of klutzy straight guys who will wear any 36x34 that falls off the shelf?

My friends call me Mitzi said...

But who doesn't like breakin' in a nice new pair of tight jeans?

Anonymous said...

Whoever that girl was is a genius. I could never have put it so correctly.

cb said...

I won't even rent the reader. Meh.

yellowdoggranny said...

I loved the oscars this year...all the critics are bitch slapping it and i think they are dead on..i loved when the 5past supporting actress, actors etc. came out and introduced each one..that was super cool..and damn...sophia loren at 81 is fucking hot!..and I loved that sean penn won, and loved that guys speech/message to young gays and lesbians..i was good.