Yesterday, my buddy Steve sent me an email with this subject line...
"A shirt that says 'Rader'"
The link inside to me to this t-shirt from Chunk. It's Batman and Robin. In the Witness Protection Program. Hence, their images have been blurred so you can't recognize them.
Because, you know, so many fully grown men walk around in grey tights and a blue cowl with matching cape.
Accompanied by their "ward" who wears a yellow cape and green bikini briefs with matching elvin booties.
See? Those two figures could be anybody.
Well, anybody at certain Saturday night, homo cosplay parties, anyway.
Steve wrote in the email...
"This shirt made me think of you... the homotastic models where just an added bonus."
I would have called them "faggy," but Steve is right, the models on the Chunk site are VERY "homotastic." Especially Miss "Have Your Roots Done" here with the Posh Spice haircut.
I'm not sure if Steve created the word "homotastic" or not, but regardless, I'm adopting it. And striving to BE it in all things.
Maybe one day, I'll be known as Mr. Homotastic. Leader of my own superhero group - - The Homotastic Whores.
I could happen.
P.S. The title of today's Super Tuesday post is an actual line spoken by Burt Ward on the Batman tv series. They just don't write 'em like that anymore...
"Holy Priceless Collection of Etruscan Snoods" is a homotastic thing to say, methinks. There are so many indications that the boy wonder and the caped crusader had a groovy thing going, baby.
Aside from the hot model, I actually like the t-shirt too haha.
Keep me in mind when you start recruiting your Homotastic Whores. I don't have many superpowers, but I can do some amazing things with my little finger.
Would you believe I'm going to hunt down that shirt?
You would
Well, I'm going to.
p.s. I absolutely LOVE the two boxers, lower bottom right. The smile on the one guy's face -- how do they go on to fight?!
I saw that t-shirt yesterday and thought of you too.
What I love most about it is how, I think, the pixelated heroes mean that they can sell the shirt legally without paying royalties but everybody obviously knows who it is.
I didn't see the model though yesterday, so I appreciate that ad.
I wish I could have hair like that, but it would just look ridiculous on me. I guess I'll just have to settle for dating guys who can have cool hair.
Yeah, woe is me.
I'd say the models at Chunk were "Twinkadelic." But I was Batman for Halloween 5 years in a row as a kid, so what do I know?
Brilliant tee-shirt! I'd buy it!
Yup ... that's my new boyfriend ...
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