Thursday, November 13, 2008

"Outlive, Outlast and Outsmart the Bigots"

Once again, the brilliant and extremely witty Dan Savage tells it like it is. 

And in the process of describing and condemning the bigotry behind Prop 8, he turns Stephen Colbert into Harvey Korman

P.S. If anybody wants to saddlebag and soak later tonight, give me a call.


Anonymous said...

I must have more of Dan Savage.

"I've been kept down by a few black men in the past..."


(And what the hell is Saddlebacking?)

Project Christopher said...

thanks... I have to ask the same. What is saddlebagging? is that teabagging?

Dan Savage is looking like he's been kept down hard and put up wet since he was here in Chicago a few years ago for Laughing Out Loud.

Shayla Kersten said...

OMG! I needed that laugh! Dan Savage is too funny! Thanks!

Java said...


Loved Colbert's Harvey Korman lapse. I miss Harvey and Tim.

Unknown said...

I'm going to marry Stephen Colbert one day, or adopt him, maybe...