Thursday, November 06, 2008

"It Was Red and Yellow and Green and Brown..."

Anatomicsd - - that very cute, very hot man from South Dakota - - took this little quiz on his blog and I had to find out what state I should live in. The results don't shock me. Much...

You Should Live in a Purple State

Your preferences are 65% Blue, 35% Red

You may not be a swing voter, but you feel comfortable around moderate people.

You tend to do best in states with a red and blue mix - like Nevada and North Carolina.

You are adaptable. You can converse with a church crowd as easily as with grad students.

See? It says that I'm "adaptable," which is another way of saying "versatile."

What? That's not funny. Stop laughing!!!


Anonymous said...

Especially if you are being "versatile" with a church crowd or grad students.

Stephen R. said...

anatomicsd - I'm a Southern Baptist. Sex in the back pew at church is something I accomplished before I could drive a car! :)

Michael said...

I'm 60-40 and living in a purple haze state.


jer said...

i'm 70-30 blue. earlier this week in a fit of rage and anxiety over the election...i might have deleted a friend on facebook who said that they were voting for mccain. yeah...i'm that guy...and i can't believe that i just admitted this on your blog.

Kristie said...

It said purple for me but gave me a 50 50 split.

Anonymous said...

I'm 75%/25%...YET, it says that I "may not vote Democrat, but you feel comfortable around people who do."


But it looks like I can move to California or New York if I ever came to the U.S.

cb said...

Can I live in a yellow hanky state?