Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Super Tuesday

To riff off of Philip's winning caption this week...

"Towel from Target:

"Sunglasses from Wal-Mart:

"Having your little brother hold the leaf blower so that your "cape" blows in the wind:

P.S. Sure, he looks ridiculous, but Superboy has got some abs goin' on!


Polt said...

abs inDEED...I didn't even notice little brother at first....

But it is quite inventive, having little brother do that.

Maybe this is Future Gay Icon Man, with his lil' sidekick, Blower Boy.

evil...I'm evil...


Michael said...

Funny AND evil......very nice.

whimsical brainpan said...

LOL! That is indeed priceless. :-)

Mark in DE said...

LOL - that is so funny!!!

Mark :-)

Anonymous said...