Saturday, February 02, 2008

Thanks for Nothin', Phil

Fuckin' groundhog...

"Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow Saturday, leading the groundhog to forecast six more weeks of winter."

Come on, Phil. You couldn't just PRETEND you didn't see your shadow so the friggin' SUN would come out here in Chicago!?!?



joe*to*hell said...

um, whats a GOBBLERS KNOB?

Anonymous said...

our Wiarton Willie predicts an early spring for us. sorry.

Aaron said...

That groundhog looks like the gopher from "Caddyshack." Maybe we could get Bill Murray to blow HIM up...? ;-)

Aaron said...

I have some adobo spice mix that might be ideal...

Stephen R. said...

joe*to*hell - I don't know but I've probably had one in my mouth at some point.

shirley - That's does it. I'm moving to Canada. Is there room on your sofa for me to crash there for... oh, say... the next few years?

aaron - It does look like the CADDYSHACK gopher! "Freeze, gopher!" Love that movie!

michael & aaron - Gopher stew? Not sure about that even with the adobo spice mix. :)

Why don't we just skin him and make a cute bag or something?

Michael said...

Oh PLEASE.......I bet the farm that Wanda made you "beef" stew once and had a strange look on her face as you ate it......

I'm just saying......

Anonymous said...

Another photo proving that people look like their pets.

F6's Editor said...

Sorry i have to anamorphic caption this one:

"What do you expect. I was nice warm and toasty in my little den and then all of a sudden a light appeared from the sky and this hand reach down and grabbed a hold of my neck. I thought I was experiencing the rapture and you expect me to look for my shadow. Please people I am just a gopher, Grandpa Puxie died three years ago."
"Could someone tell this old geezer to get his thumb out of my ass. That's the reason you didn't see a shadow."

Blessings and Peace,