Sunday, February 17, 2008

No Reason, It's Just Friggin' Hot

I saw this picture over at WetboxersGuy and I needed - - NEEDED - - to pass it on to all of you for No Reason, It's Just Friggin' Hot.

I think I love it because it reminds me of this bizarre-assed Wonder Woman cover...

...and this bizarre-assed, yet frighteninginly hot Detective Comics cover...

What is Robin covered in? Nevermind. Don't answer that. Let me dream for awhile.


Polt said...

Friggin hot, inDEED. What's really weird is, I HAVE that WW issue. I remember buying it off the stand. :)


Aaron said...

It was an egg-white facial gone awry...sorry to disappoint you, Stephen. ;-)

Unknown said...


Your blog is so much fun to read. I am trying to find more gay bloggers on here so that I can get feedback, share stories, etc.

Here's my blogspot:

I write all sorts of things...

Unknown said...

I tried to write a comment to you. But I think I messed up posting...

Your blog is so much fun to read and very interactive with all the pictures...

Hey dude, it's awesome.

Mark in DE said...

Yeah, he's hot alright. Thanks for setting off my smoke detectors!

Mark :-)