Wednesday, February 06, 2008

No Reason, It's Just Friggin' Hot

I saw this pic and had no real reason to post it.

So I'm creating one.

A new series I'm going to call...

"No Reason, It's Just Friggin' Hot"

All I can think when I see this is Mr. Hottie Business Boy in the suit hitting the intercom at this very moment and saying...

"Umm, Lucille. Call HR and tell them I've found the perfect man to fill that opening."

Check out that resume.

It just don't get no better than that.


Polt said...

heheheheh, great minds do inDEED think alike, eh? :)


Doug said...

Love this pic!
Thanks for making my day...


Anonymous said...

...and that is reason enough!

Anonymous said...

I want to look over your shoulder someday, just to see what it IS that you type into search engines. (grin)

Mark in DE said...

That IS a hot pic. Glad you made up a reason to post it.

Mark :-)