Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Planet Unicorn 5: Debbie the "Betch"

Just when you think that all hope is lost...

When Britney devolves back to her white trash roots...

When Lindsay's reverts to rehab...

When nobody will fucking start the goddamn impeachment proceedings on a government so full of lies and bullshit that they make my ex-boyfriend look trustworthy...

The world gives us the Fifth Installment of



All is not right on Planet Unicorn. Shannon has a new best friend - - a "betch" named Debbie - - and Feathers, Cadillac and Tom Cruise are attacked at a picnic.

Is this the end of our Très Gay Trio? Watch Planet Unicorn 5 and find out!

New to Planet Unicorn? Be sure to check out Episodes One, Two, Three and Four.

Bye now. Gay Rader!


the blogger formerly known as yinyang said...

Feathers can clone himself? That's cool. :D

Stephen R. said...

yinyang - I love that Feathers can clone himself. Now, not only do I sound like Feathers, I also want to BE Feathers, so I can clone myself... and have a lot more fun with my clones than just stepping on picnic ants, let me tell you! :)