Tuesday, May 04, 2010

"They Say That I'm a Witch!"

I don't know...

Is it me, or on the cover of her new book...

...her memoir entitled "Spoken from the Heart"...

...(Did anyone else just throw up in their mouth a little bit?... Ugh...)

...does Laura Bush look like...

...the wicked queen from "Snow White"?

Don't take an apple from that bitch, that's all I'm saying.


Stephen said...

Oh my...the resemblance is uncanny...perhaps she has a career as a cartoon character.

I was shocked to read that you were denied a Tony nom for your work in the SEVEN FACES OF STEPHEN.
I am sure it was political!

cb said...

Oh! I thought it was "Jokin' from the Heart".

philip said...

I can see the likeness.
But the minute I saw that picture, I was put in mind of Yul Brynner in drag.
Evidence here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OA9QWbwqSws

Alanda said...

she looks like a vampire!

Anonymous said...

let us know when she falls off the cliff.