Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"I've Had Two Years to Grow Claws, Mother! Jungle Red!"

Philip uploaded this amazing picture of him on Facebook a few days ago. In addition to himself, he tagged me in the picture too.

He tagged me because Philip knew that I would LOVE his Wolverine costume. And I do. He looks incredibly hot. The perfect Super Tuesday pic.

And as for those claws, Philip...

From this angle, they look very "Ribbed for HIS Pleasure."

Am I right? And if so, can I borrow them?



Anonymous said...

Great costume! I love dressing up for Halloween.

Polt said...

I'm not a fan of Wolverine, but frankly, Philip could dress up as the Blob or Aunt May and he'd still be freakin' hott! Thanks for sharing the pic!


philip said...

-I wish you would have spoken for the claws earlier. Yesterday I gave them to a nine year old girl in the neighborhood.
Which means tomorrow, I'll be arrested.

Polt. . . you're so good to me. Maybe I'll go as Aunt May next year.

Rick Rockhill said...

I like wolverine, very nifty. hey Super Tuesday is awesome btw