Tuesday, December 02, 2008

"You Want Your Belt to Buckle, Not Your Chair"

Go to his blog. It's brilliant!

I love me some Gob and Buster and Tobias ("Analrapist," anyone?), but I wish he had done Lucille 2. 

Anytime Liza is illustrated, it makes me happy.

However, he did do my favorite character - - Lucille.

I so want to be her. I think I am her. God, I hope so.


Michael said...

The fact that she didn't win an Emmy for that show is one of the greatest crimes of the century.

That and John C. McGinley not ever being nominated for SCRUBS.....

Anonymous said...

Is there a gay man out there that doesn't have a little Lucille in him...as opposed to having a little of him in Lucille?

JB said...

Lucille 2 is pure comedic genius.

Java said...

I wish I watched that show so I'd know more about this delightful bitch.

What network shows this program?

Michael said...

Sadly Java, Fox took it off the air after three seasons. It won an Emmy for Best Comedy, but apparently to was "too smart" for most folks. There is talk of a movie. And you can get it on DVD. Or maybe watch it on Hulu.

Aaron said...

If you ARE like Lucille, then I guess it's a good thing you don't drive...