Saturday, December 20, 2008

"Suddenly, I Have This Dreadful Urge To Be Merry"

You know all those Christmas songs that talk about people "dressed like Eskimos" who meet "smile after smile" as they contemplate washing their "face and hair with snow!"?

Yeah, THOSE songs, those tunes that endlessly vomit forth a sweet, wholesome, happy, "Let's all put on dickeys and go carolling!" Christmas cheer, with chorus after chorus telling you how merry you SHOULD be? 

Well, all those songs can lick me where I can't reach.

I battled the arctic tundra of Chicago today, trudged through mounds of white snow AND yellow snow AND snow the color of "Name That Body Fluid!" and I still have miles to go before I can brag about having all my shopping done. 

Enough of this romp around the "city sidewalks, busy sidewalks" crap. I want a mall with an Orange Julius in the Food Court and college boys posing inside of Abercrombie & Fitch. All shirtless. And interested.

In the meantime, I'll settle for the cutie in this video that Kevin over at actorschmactor sent me. Kevin is also quite a cutie...

...And one of two people I know currently performing David Sedaris' SantaLand Diaries, so if you're in Chicago or Orlando, buy a ticket or "They're all gonna laugh at you!"...

...and I'm sure Kevin agrees with me that this adorable guy has created the penultimate video for I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas. Thanks for sending him my way, Kevin.

See, you don't need the ghosts of Past, Present, Future and "What Was I Thinking When I Dated You And Put My Tongue There!" to get me out of my "Bah, Humbug!" mood. All it takes is a cute boy, some 50's kitsch and vodka.

And with enough vodka, the first two are negligible. Just being honest...


Aaron said...

Very cute boy...

The teacher is right--hippopotamuses are vegetarians. This means he and Gayla are perfectly safe around them. Of course, it also means that the hippopotamus shits copiously, so I hope he and Gayla have big shovels.

Can you tell my yule spirit is ebbing low...? And I still have more shopping to do.

Kristie said...

That just made me smile!

Kevin said...

Glad you enjoyed him ... and by "him" I mean the video. If you enjoyed him before I did, I'll cut a bitch!

And umm ... *blush*

Anonymous said...

Do you think he Gays much? I like his version better...visually anyway.

Anonymous said...

Stephen...if you don't put this song in your cabaret repertoire...then there IS no Santa Claus!!!


Mark in DE said...

This is my LEAST favoriate Christmas song. The video's cute though.