It's so sad when the one guys says, "My wife would like that". I mean, when you admit to your close friends that, on you, an inch doesn't even equal an inch, well... that's true courage.
I guess he simply got tired of hearing his wife say the same thing every night...
"Okay, I'm ready. It's in? Oh, you're done. Well... that was... fun...
"I'll be right back, I need to sit on the washing machine for awhile.
"The spin cycle is coming up."
'Atta girl."I'll be right back, I need to sit on the washing machine for awhile.
"The spin cycle is coming up."
Oh, this is hilarious!! They say every tackle box and kitchen should have a wunder boner. I like to use my wunder boner in the bedroom, although kinky kitchen secks could be fun. And if I have one in my tackle box I can take it with me everywhere I go. It's good to be prepared.
"Where did you get the Wunder Boner?"
"It's funny you should ask."
I wish I had this kind of conversation around the last fishing trip I attended.
I like the notation that "Fish should be dead 6 hours before boning"
All those "cold fish" wives out there better pay attention!
Jesus, the ad execs on this one must have been laughing their asses off when they did this. Or were high. Whatever the scenario, this is pure gold baby.
I ain't gonna waste my wunder boner on a fish!
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