He may be sick and in the hospital, but when it comes to captions, Philip is still bringing his A game.
Here's Philip's winning caption from the #36 Contest...
"Knees together, worlds apart."
Yep, that says it all. Congratulations, Philip. Get well soon, my friend.
While Philip is laid up in the hospital - - and "laid up" is probably what is going to happen to Philip once he feels better, since the HUNKY, hot male nurse was all up in his room today, over and over - - I submit this picture that my friend Ruth sent me for captions this week...
I won't tell you where this picture comes from until after the contest is over, but I will say this - - the words associated with this picture are brilliantly funny in and of themselves.
Still, a picture like this just HAS to be passed on for the world's enjoyment. And so that I can find two other gay men to join me in re-creating this look for Halloween '09.
So, give these girls a caption. And take away their Aqua Net. STAT!
P.S. Contrary to popular belief, the woman on the right is NOT my mother.
It's my aunt. So there.
Bristol, Piper, and Willow... The Palin sisters, all growed up.
"Scientists have finally discovered the epicenter of global warming..."
Spray Bo-Tox gone bad...
Maybe it was the name of the group... but "The Fuglies" never managed to find an audience.
Wow...those are really women? Looks like 50's cross-dressers! :)
I don't really have a funny caption...I just want to know why two are in full color and one is all faded in the background. Is that just my screen? Did you ever see that portrait Mary Todd Lincoln had done of her sitting with Ghost Lincoln standing behind her? It's creepy. She was crazy. I've gotten totally off subject, must be all the morphine. Oh wait, that's Philip...
By the way y'all, i visited Pip in the hospital yesterday and you haven't lived until you've seen him shout at the nurse, "GOD DAMN IT MYRNA! I'M STARVING! IF SOMEONE DOESN'T GIVE ME SOME GOD DAMN FOOD I'M GOING HOME." I hope he has a super speedy recovery so i can start saying that to him...everyday.
First off, count me in on the Halloween trio!
Now the caption:
Her eyeglasses always made Norma feel like the homely one.
After hours and hours of debate Francine, Myrtle, and Imogene finally came to a concensus on their singing group's new name: The Helmettes.
Mark :-)
"Esther was SO proud...her hair was at long last, the biggest!"
"Mom, Helen and her friends glued hair to my football helmets again!"
"The Ensalmo Sisters always followed their mother's first rule of fashion: Never let your hair hang below your ear, and the pooffier the better, my dear!"
That's all I got, although I gotta tell ya, Doug's just cracked me up!
I can't think of any caption because I can't stop laughing....
Ed lived in terror that his two friends would learn he was really a man in a wig.
Little did he know his two friends had the same worry.
By the way, hooray for Doug's answer!
1. The Betreau sisters we not shockingly the town whores.
2. They had style! They had grace! They had guns hidden in their wigs! These are the notorious Betreau Sisters.
3. Bertha and Gertrude were soooo jealous that Olga could pick up satellite signals with her hair.
Screw "Hairspray." You can stop the beat and sometimes, you ought to break the LP.
Shortly after this photo was taken, Peggy colapsed under the weight of her own hair.
The "Beauty School by Mail" lessons as advertised in the back of the comic book left something to be desired.
Love Child: A Supremes cover band.
Lol, it's funny to pretend they are all standing and the one in front is just really short. Here's my caption:
The Waukesha Wisconsin Community Players Dinner Theatre Proudly Presents - "Steel Magnolias"
The Andrews Sisters reluctantly change with the times.
Myrna, Lorna and Wylene know, The higher the hair, the closer to god.
Introducing the the much-anticipated box photo for the brand new breakfast cereal, WHITIES!
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