Saturday, October 11, 2008

"I'm Coming Out"

So y'all, I'm gay.  

And apparently, so is Batman.

But instead of taking advantage of what was obviously a HORRIFIC choice for a decade's old Batman comic, let's celebrate National Coming Out Day with two panels from DC's wonderful book, Manhunter.

This is Obsidian (a.k.a. Todd Rice) with his boyfriend Damon Mattews.  

Cosplay.  Hot.  Where is my Riddler costume?


Java said...

Um, Stephen, what's up with that little Spiderman-Tinkerbell sashaying in the sidebar? That us ultra-disturbing. Ultra.

Anonymous said...

Finally. Stephen comes out. I forgot it was Natoinal Coming Out Day. I guess I am past that stage im my life. Thank Cher.

Indigo said...

Indigo Incarnates

(a friend of Java's!)

I seem to recall a really cool episode of a Green Lantern comic where the hero tracked down a couple of gay-bashing hoodlems and beat the crap out of them. The hoodies in question had beet up a gay teen for nothing other than being a gay teen. The Lantern didn't even use his powers to exact revenge. He did it the old fashioned way. It was a very satisfying read.