Tuesday, September 02, 2008

"I'm A Redneck. I Like To Hang Out With The Boys"

These days, when CNN plays fast and loose with the facts and Fox News is wrong about basically EVERYTHING, where can you get the news you want and need to know? MTV, baby!

This is 18 year old Levi Johnston, the man behind (or maybe on top of... or straddling...) Bristol Palin and her 5 month pregnancy.

I know what you're thinking. I thought the same thing too...

Who knew they grew 'em that hot up in Alaska?!?

Perhaps, I should start watching Men in Trees.

MTV found Levi's MySpace page (before it was so unceremoniously taken down) and it revealed some of his likes and dislikes...

"He's a self-professed 'redneck' who likes to snowboard, ride dirt bikes, go camping and 'hang out with the boys.' He also enjoys fishing, and warned that, if you mess with him,
'I'll kick [your] ass'"

Sounds like good people to me!

I've always had a thing for hockey players and Levi is a REDNECK hockey player who likes to "hang out with the boys."

Excuse me, Bristol Palin? Hold my purse while I fuck your husband-to-be.

By the way, Bristol? Under his "children" status on MySpace, Levi opted for "I don't want kids."

That combined with this picture where he's flipping off the camera (classy... very, very classy...) should send warning to your mother that maybe, just maybe, he doesn't want to marry you and "do the right thing."

I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'...


dollar said...


I am disappointed, if not surprised, that a man of your obvious compassion for others would take advantage of such an easy target and mock a 17 year old, pregnant, unwed girl in a difficult situation.

Yet another example of how the left wing liberals (on one hand) talk of helping the most vulneralbe in society while using the other hand to blog and exploit children for political advantage.

Aaron said...

Oh climb down off your high horse, Dollar, before your thighs get chafed.

This girl's mother CHOSE to run for VP and CHOSE to announce to God and the world that her daughter is knocked up in order to quelch scurrilous rumors that nobody would have believed anyway. In other words, she did it (or allowed it to be done) in order to spare the Republican party embarrassment further down the road.

Don't blame us because we heard it. You might as well blame Oklahoma for tornadoes.

If ANYONE "exploited this girl for political advantage," it was your beloved Republicans. You can't pin this one on us, darlin'.

Joie Mayfield said...

Dollar, they knew that being thrust into the spotlight would lead to attacks and mockery.

By the way, Bristol? Under his "children" status on MySpace, Levi opted for "I don't want kids."

Oops. Maybe he should've pulled out...

He's definitely a hottie, though.

TigerYogiji said...

I had read earlier today that the "father" has ANOTHER child out of wedlock with another girl up there!

Talk about your family values...

Polt said...

well said, aaron. But all I gotta say is, if Levi had fooled around with one of the guys he was hangin' with, well, there'd be no pregnancy and no story now, would there?

Gay all the way, baby! :)


EMikeGarcia said...

"Blog and exploit children for political advantage"?

Are you running for office, Stephen?

Anonymous said...

A couple of thoughts....

While it does seem to be fair that children of candiates should be "off limits", if the candidate does want to take credit for "family values" of having five kids and does go for the political gain of having a son that has enlisted and is heading for Iraq, then their 17 yr old pregnant single daughter can't be excluded from the conversation.

Second thought....they speak of her marrying the father. Isn't it a bit ironic that this probably can't happen for this conservative christian family because if their daughter does marry the father of her child, she will most likely lose medical insurance benefits?

Strange world!

Ryan Barrett said...

I think that Dollar is also mistaken on classifying Bristol as one of "the most vulnerable in society." Because we all know and care about those non-profit organizations that help the privileged children of rich, well-connected politicians.

Anonymous said...

um, who cares about the daughter!

the dirty sweaty hockey version can try to knock me up anytime.

Scooter said...

Here's my 2 cents, when one runs for political office, then what one has done including the values they've taught their children is relevant, especially if the kid is living at home right now. That Sarah Pailing (sic) has taken a stand as a right-wing Christian conservative (which includes no sex before marriage)well as taken a stand against sex education makes this issue on-the-table.

In other words, it's on the table!

Mark in DE said...

Well, at least he was honest about calling himself a redneck.

God help us....

Mark :-)