Friday, August 15, 2008

"Short People Got No Reason..."

Just in case you can't read the text, it says...

"Who could dream that such tiny folk really exist? And learning that they do exist, how could Captain America suspect how deadly they could be?
The Weird Tales of the Wee Males!"

Yes, "Wee Males" can present several problems...

"Tell me when it's in. Oh, it IS in?!?
Oh, you're finished. Well... that was... fun..."

...but if I were Cap, I'd be more concerned with the GIANT HAND coming out of the cave trying to grab my crotch!

Or maybe Cap would enjoy a handjob from a Supersized Thing. Who knows...

P.S. Does anyone else remember the episode of The Addams Family where Thing gives Morticia the mail and she starts singing...

"It's so nice to have a Thing around the house..."


Anonymous said...

Saw this today and thought of you, Steven:

Stephen R. said...

david - I love it! Now, is that Dick Grayson, Jason Todd or Tim Drake?

It would be hilarious if it was Jason Todd, but I've got a feeling it's Dick.

Yeah, it's SO Dick. :)


Anonymous said...

Oh, Stephen, you're so cute when you nerdgasm. I mean, not like you needed any extra cuteness, but still. And sorry about misspelling your name -- it's been a rough week.

Stephen R. said...

david - If you think my nerdgasms are cute, wait till you see my... well... you get the picture!! :)

Thanks for the compliment, cutie. Hope you have a great weekend. Sounds like you need it after a rough week. I'm right there with you.

EMikeGarcia said...

Hey! Whatever happened to that whole "motion of the ocean" concept?!

Some of us little guys know how to use OUR dingeys. Thanks.

whimsical brainpan said...

LOL! Actually I do remember that Addams Famly episode.

Project Christopher said...

at least the hand wasn't in a fist.

Stephen R. said...

emikegarcia - Something tells me that there is nothing small about your dingey and that you VERY MUCH know how to use it - - all of it - - to its full effect! Cutie!

mike ellis - I want to see Cap go up against Vanity Smurf. Now, THAT would be gay!!!

whim - I love that I'm not the only one with these little pieces of pop culture stuck in my head. :)

chris - If it was a fist, I would be happy for Cap!!!