Monday, August 11, 2008

"Paris Silk! Harris Tweed! There's Only One Thing I Need..."

Philip and I were in the Threadless store on Sunday and he really wants this Threadless design on a hoody.

Just like the guy in this picture.

He mentioned that this would be a wonderful present for someone to give him for his birthday next month.

Philip, I'll buy you this hoody for your birthday if you'll buy me this man for a four hours an a weekend night.

We good?


philip said...

I think that's a totally fair trade. I'll work on finding the boy, you work on finding the hoody. And everyone will go home happy.

Project Christopher said...

stephen...he's got a little pee pee. you won't need 4 hours.... :)

cb said...

Damn you! Stop putting up t-shirt designs! I always end up wanting them too!

Mark in DE said...

He's hot.

Mark :-)