Tuesday, August 05, 2008

"In Your Satin Tights, Fighting For Your Rights"

Final Crisis #3 comes out tomorrow and I can't wait.

I loved issues 1 and 2.

The Final Crisis Tie-Ins? Not so much.

The only problem I have is which cover do I buy?

This super hot Supergirl cover?...

Or this twisted, "What the Hell is up with her face?!?" Wonder Woman cover?

Yeah, you're right.

Probably the twisted Wonder Woman cover.

You know me so well.


Wonder Man said...

I hope it's good

Java said...

Well, speaking of Wonder Woman, OMG! That thing is ... just wrong!

Polt said...

I just take whatever cover the comic store owner puts in my box. I've never been about covers. Back when the multiple cover craze was going, I never fell for it. Obviously just a money-making scheme.

And speaking of tie-ins...did you get the Martian Manhunter requiem? If not, man, you HAVE to. I loved it!


Aaron said...

Lynda Carter never looked better! :-) Or Helen Slater.

Anonymous said...

Even with a butaface, Wonder Woman still gets my money.

RobOrange said...

I love that Supergirl illustration!