Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"Ima, You Smell Like Cheetos. Please, Step Away!"

She's back!

Just when you thought it was safe to enter the Fellowship Hall, here comes Sister Myotis!

And Velma! And Ima Lone! I love these three, y'all. I'm in Redneck Heaven!

This latest video is a little dance remix for Sister Myotis' Church Retreat.

Eat your heart out, Ethel Merman's Disco Album!

I need to find a Memphis Sugar Daddy to fly me down there to see Sister Myotis' new show.

Hmmm... I wonder if there are any gay members of the Memphis Mafia?


Polt said...

I work with a girl that honest to GOD reminds me of Sister Myotis. Looks like her, talks like her....doesn't dress like her, thank God, but other than that...


Anonymous said...

I adore all three of them, but I have to say, I am Velma's number 1 fan.


Stephen R. said...

polt - You need to find a way to secretly snap a picture of this girl and send it to me. I would love to see your Office Myotis!

alex - I love me some Velma, too. But I aspire to be Sister Myotis. :)

Mark in DE said...

Blasphemy! Blasphemy!!!

I listened to Ethel Merman's Disco Albumn just last night in my car, and it is fabulous! Not to be beat!

Mark :-)

Aaron said...

I'd forgotten that diabetes is referred to as "The Sugar." That's one of the things I miss about my SE Missouri relatives...they all had The Sugar and made it sound so quaint. Although it killed most of them. And my grandfather.

I always wondered why there were no bread ties in their houses...