These are The Minutemen, the Golden Age superhero group that precedes The Crimebusters or The Watchmen in The Watchmen movie.
L to R we have Silhouette, Mothman, Dollar Bill, the classic Nite Owl, Captain Metropolis, the classic Silk Spectre and Hooded Justice. Kneeling is The Comedian.
Non-fanboys probably could care less about this pic but hey fanboys - - how friggin' cool is this?!?
It's awesome, that's what it is.!!!!! That is outstanding!!! Awesome photo!
I still don't know how they're gonna do the Watchmen in a two hour movie...espeically if they're gonna be delving into the Crimebusters....but what I DO know is, I'm gonna be there front and center on opening night!!!
Thanks for posting this!
I love it! How DO you find these things Stephen? It's got me all excited and moist now!
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