Tuesday, May 06, 2008

"I Said I'm Gonna Kick His Ass"

I found this last night on YouTube and I can't stop watching it and laughing with it.

It's not quite "Charlie Bit My Finger," but this little girl's logic is precious and perfect.

I'm not quite sure what's funnier - - the little girl or her mother laughing at the answers.


Aaron said...

It's fun to watch parents struggle between their obligation to correct the child's language and their secret pleasure that the child turned out exactly like them! :-)

whimsical brainpan said...


Project Christopher said...

Once when I was babysitting for a precious 5 year old (who's parents were by no means potty mouths) I told him it was time to go to bed. He turned around, put his fists on his hips and said, "So you're fuckin' big enough to make me huh?" I don't know who laughed louder, me or the parents when I told them!

Anonymous said...

that's cute!

it's hard not to laugh when a toddler starts swearing.

Mark in DE said...

The funniest part to me is the very end when the little girl says "Ooooohhhhh".

Mark :-)