Wednesday, March 05, 2008

It Ain't Over

Yogi Berra said it best...

"It ain't over 'til it's over."

In spite of the predictions by nearly everyone in the news media, every comic in late night and all but a few of what's left of Dionne Warwick's Psychic Friends, Hilary Clinton is still very much in the race for President.

And Huckabee is very much out of it. Boo hoo.

Huckabee had Chuck Norris as his celebrity spokesperson, which basically means that Huck was hoping to gain the redneck vote that can be easily swayed by Walker, Texas Ranger.

Obama has Oprah. Initially, this looked like the ultimate trump card. What person - - celebrity or otherwise - - could possibly overpower The Big O?

Your Uncle Jack, that's who.

This came out a few days ago. I think this was Jack's way of saying he's endorsing Senator Clinton. Sure, it's bizarre, but if I had to choose between this clip and being endorsed by "Walker, Texas Ranger," I'll take the Nicholson montage any day.

Think it had any sway over Texas and Ohio? Anything is possible.

Well, maybe not "anything," but it sure feels like it. We're FINALLY living in a time when the Democratic Presidential Nominee will either be a woman or a man of color.

Again, Yogi Berra sums it up perfectly...

"The future ain't what it used to be."


joe*to*hell said...


viva la hill

Anonymous said...

Brilliant video! GO HILLARY!!!!!!!!

Mark in DE said...

Color me surprised. I'm really happy that Hillary did so well yesterday. She & Obama are so much alike that either would be a great pres. But I think she has WAY more friends and connections apon whom she can call if necessary to help push legislation through. She's been in politics for WAY longer, she knows how things are done and get done, and that's going to serve her well.

Mark :-)

Scooter said...


Polt said...

I just hope that they don't slowly bleed each other to death over the next seven weeks. I hope they can stay civil until Pennsylvania, and not do McCain and the Republicans job for them by going negative and beating each other up.

A beaten and haggard Democrat, regardless of which one it is, is NOT what we need against McCain.


whimsical brainpan said...

Yay! Go Hillary!

Aaron said...

Hillary may actually be able to pull it out and be civil, according to the things I've heard today...and if she DID get it, and Obama would agree to be the VP, that would be SO SWEET!!

Stan said...

Hey if Hillary handles that phone call on the red phone at her bedside when it rings at 3 AM the way she voted for the war in Iraq by supporting Bush's go ahead to invade Iraq, heaven help us all!

jer said...

love her. love you. she can't beat old man mccain...i really don't think she can.

Anonymous said...

Warning: this comment could have a harsh tone due to my frustration with political punditry.

The media has everyone in the country scared that if we don't pick a nominee the Republicans will take over the world because we're giving McCain time to raise his evil armies.

NEWS FLASH: In 1992, Bill Clinton didn't win the nomination until when? JUNE!

Quit worrying about the Repukelicans, their days are over. Take some time and celebrate our two excellent choices instead of trying to rush one out the door.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this! Awesome video. God, Jack still has it, doesn't he?

Anonymous said...

Great clip! Thanks for sharing.