Monday, March 31, 2008

Hilary's Very Own Sunsilk Ad

For many different reasons, I am gradually shifting my support from Hilary Clinton to Barack Obama.

I'll talk about this in more depth later, but it goes without saying that Hilary's campaign could use a little boost.

Pretty on the Outside has just the right idea.

Here's Hilary joining the likes of Madonna and Marilyn Monroe with her very own Sunsilk ad.

This is friggn' brilliant!


Anonymous said...

Some ship's captain you'd make. ::tsk tsk:: At worst, I'm hoping it lasts 'til the convention and they have to bring in Gore to head the ticket. (Which is what everyone wanted to begin with.)

Stephen R. said...

david - Wouldn't that be wonderful? It would be so glorious if he had run, if he had received the nomination and then won the Presidency. Eight years too late, but then at least then, the man who actually won the election in 2000 would receive some vindication.

Java said...

hee hee hee hee

Stan said...

I've been for Barack from the start. I just cannot get past the fact Hillary voted for this fucking war. There were 23 votes against she she wasn't one of them for sure.
A lot of my gay brethren are for Hillary but I just just see the attraction. I don't believe either one would do much to further our causes but the republicans must be defeated. I just think Barack has a better chance to achieve this.
I look forward to hearing your reasons for who you now suppport.

Anonymous said...

@Stan - I find it interesting that people still say Barack has a better chance of beating McCain in November when all of the head-to-head polls in key states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida have McCain with much wider margins over Obama than over Clinton. Try winning the presidency without states like those and see how far we get.

((Check out for detailed polling data.))

dirk.mancuso said...

Truthfully, there is something creepy about Barack to me. I think it's that cold look I see in his eyes (when he tries to present himself as so cuddly). It's either that or his skinny E.T. hands.

And I have to agree with David regarding his ability to beat McCain. Unfortunately, I think we'd see 4 more years of winter if Barack went against the Angry Old Man.

Polt said...

Come, Stephen, come to Obama's camp! We'll welcome you with open arms! :)


AnonyMe said...

I was hoping you'd say that!!

I look forward to hearing more about what you're thinking, too!

Anonymous said...

my whole take on this is simple:

1. Hillary & Barack's post-McCain Clinch campaigns should have been focused as if they were each running against McCain. That pasty, crusty Pilsbury dough faced Republican has been sitting back since he clinched just giggling at HC and BO tearing each other to shreds.

2. I LIKE Barack's optimism and fresh approach...BUT, I TRUST Hillary's experience -- I just hope they don't completely bone the dems out of yet another 4 years in the oval...

cb said...

Is it because Hillary is developing 'old lady jowls'?? Is THAT why you are forsaking her???