Thursday, October 11, 2007

Cap's New Look... And Accessories

Well folks, here he is - - the new Captain America, as drawn by Alex Ross.

This new Cap will be making his debut - - or "comeback"... or "return" - - in CAPTAIN AMERICA #34.

But this is not your grandfather's Captain America, because...

A) That isn't Steve Rogers inside the new Cap costume and...

B) Captain America (no, your eyes aren't playing tricks on you) now carries a gun and a knife alongside his symbolic shield.

Standby: Fanboy vitriol. Fanboy vitriol: Go!


Aaron said...

That's to show that it's OK to carry weapons to fend off those goldurned terrorists! Screw them tree-hugging hippie liberals who want to take away our rights to bare arms...

Stephen R. said...

Aaron - The Right to Bare Arms - - isn't that the name of one of a Larry the Cable Guy tv special? :)

Polt said...

Who cares? marvel sucks now worse than ever. Title the NYC phone with an "X" and put a cutout of Wolverine on the cover and the marvel zombies will make it a best seller.

"killing" Cap was just like "killing" jean grey, Hawkeye, vision, etc, etc, etc, etc. A ways to make the zombies fork over more money, and it has nothing to do with storytelling, or character growth, or plotting or etc, etc, etc.

Frankly, in a day when marvel "Heroes" like the Punisher shoot people and Wolverine slices and dices anyone that gets in his way, I'm surprised it took them this long to get cap a gun.

But in the end, I reiterate, who cares?


Stephen R. said...

Polt - Since I'm much more of a DC fan than a Marvel boy, I have to say that I agree with you.

I suffered through CIVIL WAR and the last 5 pages of issue 7 made me say, "WHAT THE FUCK!?!?! They made me sit through months and months - - more than 9 months for a mere 7 issues - - for Cap to look around at some New Yorkers telling him to stop... and he did!!"

Not that DC is doing any better right now. COUNTDOWN is all over the place and the countless tie-in's from AMAZONS ATTACK! to COUNTDOWN to THE SEARCH FOR RAY PALMER are making me insane.

Are you reading anything that you really love right now? I'm a big fan of WELCOME TO TRANQUILITY. I enjoy every single issue that hits the stands. And THE BOYS. Talk about FUCKED UP in a good way!!! :)

dirk.mancuso said...

I know am risking the wrath of fanboys everywhere by saying this...but I think Alex Ross is really over-rated. I've never been much a fan of his stiff "artist" approach to comics.

As for Cap...I have little doubt that Steve Rogers will return at some point because death has no meaning in the Marvel Universe. Unless it comes to my beloved Gwen Stacy and then "oh, it's a done deal...can't undo a seminal tale."

Yeah, WTF-ever.

(And as for the knife...hmmmmm, could this be Captain Ka-Zar?)

Stephen R. said...

Dirk - Wow. I'm a HUGE Alex Ross fan. Have you ever read JUSTICE? It's one of my favorites.

You're SO right about Marvel and the dead coming back to life and Gwen Stacy remaining dead so that Spidey can have flashback after flashback of him NOT saving Gwen Stacy.

When did Marvel lose it's edge?

Anonymous said...

Captain A needs a much bigger basket , I mean is some asexual drawing him , everyone knows that super heroes have HUGE GENITAL'S

Polt said...

Justice was okay, but I thought a bit...overdone. Now Kingdom Come, THERE'S a Ross book that gives me goosebumps.

LOVE the Boys! hiLARious. Astro City is ALWAYS well done, even though it's not regularly put out right now. If you haven't read them, get the collected graphic novels. This series is unparalleled.


Stephen R. said...

Polt - Well, if you can't already tell from my blog, I am slightly partial to things "overdone!" But you're right - - KINGDOM COME was amazing!!!!

THE BOYS is hilarious!!! The issue where the gerbil comes out of the guy's butt - - well, when I went to buy that book, the guy at the comic book shop looked at me and said, "Dude, this is fucked up!!" I instantly won his approval that day. I was in the In Crowd of comic geeks. It felt good. :)

Thanks for the tip on ASTRO CITY. I will definitely give it a try!