Monday, September 24, 2007

Stephanie Hodge and "Jungle Fucking"

I have been looking for this video for YEARS!!

Back home in Knoxville, one of the drag queens at The Carousel - - one of the two gay bars in town - - used to lip sync to this piece of comedy.

And then when I moved to Chicago, occasionally Sidetrack would play this clip on Thursdays - - Comedy Night.

But I haven't seen it in ages and I quote parts of it all the time.

This is the brilliant Stephanie Hodge discussing how to find the right person for a relationship. As she so perfectly puts it...

"What matters in finding the right person is to find the person who's going to Jungle Fuck you until the day you die!"

Truer words have never been said.

Watch this and laugh your fucking ass off!


Michael said...

What happened to her???????

Stephen R. said...

Michael - I hear she was in one of those JACKASS movies and even though those films (can I call them FILMS?!?!?) are EXTREMELY homoerotic, I've never seen them.

Should we plan a movie date? :)

Anonymous said...

"take it like the bitch you are!"

this is hysterical!

i'm learning it for the next party.

Stephen R. said...

Whim - I could watch this 100 times in a row and still laugh out loud every single time!!! I love it!

joe*to*hell said...

two gay bars? thats two more than i would expect in knoxville.....

Stephen R. said...

Joe - Oh, yeah. Knoxville is VERY happening. Which is why I live in Chicago. :)