And here I've been told all my life that plagiarism is wrong. Hmmm...
Anyway, here's Jon Stewart's take on The "Petraeus" Report...
"He backed up his arguments with real numbers - - charts of sectarian death, graphs of car bombs, tables of troop levels.
"Because it's an important reminder that our troops and the Iraqis aren't just fathers, sons, mothers and sisters - - they're also statistics.
"Remember that."
-Jon Stewart on THE DAILY SHOW, 9/11/07
Smell that, President Bush? That's sarcasm.
Is it me or is it a sad day when The Court Jester is the only person with the guts, the skill and the knowledge to tell The Emperor that he isn't wearing any clothes?
I love that man SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!
Michael - He is brilliant! Brilliant!!
Jon Stewart for President!
Shirley Heezgay - Stewart / Colbert, '08!
Sadly, Bush CAN'T smell that...because he and Cheney are probably sitting in his office, laughing and having a juvenile contest where they light their farts...
Aaron - Now, you talk about nasty smellin'... that's NASTY SMELLIN'!
Serious discuss... do you think John would actually run for politics? i think in some ways he would be great but not sure about everything.
Lance - Oh, I don't think he would ever run. I think it's just our way of screaming for a change - - a change where we have someone in the White House we identify with who uses common sense and compassion to govern.
It's been a sad days for years now.
I love Jon Stewart.
CS - You're so right - - it has been as sad day for years!! And you're right in LOVING Jon Stewart!
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