Monday, September 10, 2007

Ol' Shellhead: Coming to a Theatre Near You!

I'm much more of a DC boy than I am a Marvel boy...

...but I have to say...

...this looks friggin' incredible!

Here it is - - the first trailer for the IRON MAN movie...

The casting of Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark / Iron Man is inspired!

Who better to play a wildly brilliant man with severe substance abuse issues than a wildly brilliant man with substance abuse issues?


Lance Noe said...

Robert downey jr. makes me touch myself on my inside parts.

Stephen R. said...

Lance - By "inside parts," do you mean inside your pants or inside your... well... you know...?

Michael said...


Stephen R. said...

Michael - I know, right? Doesn't it look AMAZING?!?!

Lance Noe said...

it is a line from the movie beloved.