Saturday, September 01, 2007

My Favorite Caption Contest Week #8

Once again, the entries were HILARIOUS and once again, too many of them made me truly laugh out loud to just pick one winner.

So this week, I'm going with two runners- up (runner-ups? runner-uppers?) - - not in any order, because both are genius.

One is from last week's winner, Philip...

There once was a laddie from Greenland
Who's penis was shaped like a green hand.
He'd squeeze like a fist
With his foreskin-ed wrist,
And punch you right into a dream land.

You can't go wrong with a limerick, can you?

The other is from my good friend Whim over at "The Babblings of Whimsicalnbrainpan"...

"Instead of going blind as he was told he would, something totally unexpected happened when Rick spent too much time playing with himself."

Ah, the side effects of too much masturbation combined with over-exposure of gamma radiation. It's uglier than Restless Leg Syndrome, isn't it?

Brilliant captions, but for this weeks' winner, I had to go with Jer from "you're being ridiculous," whose submission combined superhero marketing with the sex toy industry - - a combo that I wish truly existed...

"Wow! These superhero pocket pussies really do take it to the next level!"

If that phrase isn't the EXACT expression BEAMING from that boy's face, then Larry Craig really IS straight.

And Tom Cruise really IS Suri's father.

And Britney really IS a good parent.

Shall I go on?

For this Week #8's Caption Contest picture, I'm going with an image that I posted last week in the ARE YOU THERE, BLOG's first ever FRATBOY FRIDAY.

I think this pic could use a little backstory... an explanation... a caption telling us all exactly WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON... something...

So much to work with in this picture... so much...

Deadline for possible captions is this Friday, September 7th at 5:00 p.m. (CST).

And if you haven't already done so, check out Shirley Heezgay's CAPTION THIS. This week's pic is truly bizarre and I love it!!


Anonymous said...

"Jason's mommy always told him to wear socks so that he wouldn't catch a chill."

Stephen R. said...

Lance's Friend - LOVE IT!!! And you know, Jason's mommy should have been more specific!!! :)

Anonymous said...

"With his best friend in tow, Rico proved that Lola wasn't the only showgirl in town."

jer said...

Ladies and Gentlemen...Harvey Weinstein has done it again. This time with Weekend at Bernies III...Bernie's back and this time he's GAY!

Stephen R. said...

Shirley Heezgay - Love it, love it, love it! Any man with a Manilow reference is my kind of man!

Jer - AND any man with a Harvey Weinstein reference is not only my kind of man, but also someone I aspire to be!!! Excellent!!

Anonymous said...

Okay,,,,here's another one.

"Wooden Crucifix: $7.95
Raver Whistle: $3.99
Backwards Vintage John Deere Cap: $9.99
Sight of dirty yellowed tube sock on your friend's non-existent penis: You just saved about $4.95 at CVS on Ipecac Syrup."

Stephen R. said...

Shirley Heezgay - You, my dear, are a GENIUS!!!! A true, comedic GENIUS!!! I love it!!!!