Friday, September 07, 2007

Fratboy Friday

Well, yesterday was a truly Craptastic Day. Thanks to Master Aaron and John for taking me to Crew, buying me dinner and inundating me with tall vodka cranberry after tall vodka cranberry. I needed that.

You know what I need to get me in a better mood? Another Fratboy Friday.

Here are this week's...

I have a name for guys like this. I call them "Humpy MotherFuckers."

Several times a day, Philip and I can be heard walking down Broadway screaming...

"Baby, look at that Humpy MotherFucker!"

It's a little Term of Endearment. For people we want to blow.



I know that this boy is probably not a "sagger" in the traditional sense (traditional? saggers have a "tradition" now?!?!), because his shorts aren't sagging to show his boxers.

But does anyone really mind if those shorts sag to reveal the most beautiful ass known to Man and God? I doubt it?

Besides, it's the perfect segue into...



I love this picture! It looks like these boys just HAPPENED to pull the backs of their shorts down, were casually chatting about "The Big Game" - - or whatever "straight" guys who will sleep with you after half a draft beer talk about - - and then turn around coyly and say...

"Stephen, what are you doing with that camera? You dirty boy. Well, you know what your punishment is. Alright, dudes - - Bukkake Time!"

Yeah. Like that's punishment for me.

But speaking of "'straight' guys who will sleep with you after half a draft beer,' it's time for...



Everything - - and I mean EVERYTHING - - about this pic reminds me of "back home."

The caption should simply say, "East Tennessee."

I love the Redneck Boys. The redder the better.


Michael said...

Hope you're feeling better!

Anonymous said...

*looks at Sagger pic*

Jesus Christ. 0__0

Michael said...

I second that........

Stephen R. said...

Michael - Thank you. I am.

Tina - I know, right?!? And great blog of your's, by the way! I love it. Thank you for the link!!!!

whimsical brainpan said...

Ummmmm... I was going to say something but I forgot. Let me go back to the pictures to refresh my memory.

Stephen R. said...

Whim - Yes. Let's just stay with those pictures. For a long, long, LONG time...

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you were riding the chestnut log ride.

I think it's going around.

Stephen R. said...

Shirley Heegay - It is going around - - definitely! But today was better. Hell, it could only GET better. :)