Monday, June 18, 2007

Franklin's Thoughts On The Patriot Act

To everyone - - and yes, this includes YOU Elisabeth Hasselbeck - - who believes in, voted for or is in support of The Patriot Act, I offer these words from one of our Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin...

"Those who would give up essential Liberty,
to purchase a little temporary Safety,
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

So there. Suck it, Hasselbeck.


Aaron said...

"So SUCK it Hasselbeck."

Many have said those exact words (especially during the 80s, I suspect), but none quite as well!

Stephen R. said...

Aaron - You know, I never thought of that, but I'm sure you're right.

She's had more fraternity cock than a urinal at a Cub's game!

Anonymous said...

OH, you were demanding ELIZABETH to "suck it." I thought you were taking it up a notch and demanding service of Mrs. Hasselbeck's ball-playin' husband. I think I could feel better about A LOT of things if you can get EH to require her husband to "suck it." And I'm thinkin' Rosie might smile about that one, too.

Aaron said...

You're so awful. Sit by me! :-)

Stephen R. said...

Master Aaron - Oh, I like that idea. And EH's husband is cute with a capital "Fuck Me."

Aaron - Hell hath no fury like the two of us sitting together. And I love it!

Anonymous said...

Gotta love someone who can quote Gore Vidal, Benjamin Franklin, and the stage production of Wicked.

Stephen R. said...

Lance's Friend - Why thank you VERY much. I can't throw a ball and my left arm is only good enough to bend at the elbow and hold a purse, but I know me some quotes!!!