Sunday, March 11, 2007

Today at Ann Sather's

Today, my mom and I had a late breakfast with Aaron and John at Ann Sather's on Belmont and when the topic of my step-mother came up, my mother had this to say...

"I talked to someone your step-mother went to high school with and he said that if she had as many dicks sticking out of her as she's had stuck in her, she'd look like a porcupine."


Sheer poetry.

Like mother, like son.


khainajr said...

um...that is friggin' hilarious! I'm stealing it.

Lance Noe said...

that is southern charm at its finest!

Aaron said...

In her bitter, newly-divorced days, my favorite conversations with Mumsie always included a few choice words from her about Daddy and the Step. We all get along well now but, wow, back in the day...! :-)

whimsical brainpan said...

LMAO! Your Mom is simply priceless and you can tell her I said so.

Is your Dad still married to the same woman he was back when we were in school? Hell, I remember us making fun of her.

Michael said...

Wanda was Wonderful! I only wish my mother was so brilliant.

Stephen R. said...

Yes, that line of her's IS hilarious, its the definition of Southern Charm, and Aaron- - well, let's just say that the day my mother, father and stepmother get along, pigs will sprout wings - - "They'll be pork in the treetops come the morning" as Kate says in THE LION IN WINTER.

Whim - She's the same as she was back then. Only wider.

Anonymous said...

The the best thing anyone's ever said in the history of human kind. You should be very proud. I know I am.

Stephen R. said...

Alex - I am SO very proud!

If only mama had good knees - - we'd be quite the memorable team on The Amazing Race!

The sound bytes alone would get us on Letterman!

Or at least The Blue Collar Comedy show...